NFL Game FOI #2019-024
This access to information request is for: “ Time period: March 12, 2019 to April 2, 2019 All emails with City Councillors and the Mayor of Regina to or from REAL’s Tim Reid... -
COP 28 FOI #2023-194
This is an access to information request for the following: Date range: Oct. 1, 2023, to Dec. 4, 2023 Provide a copy of all memos, briefing notes and itineraries prepared for or... -
Mayor and Councillor Expenses 2011 to 2020
Mayor and Councillor Expenditure Reports and Expenses from 2011 to 2020. -
Fossil Fuel FOI # 2021-010
This is an access to information request for: All correspondence (letter and e-mail) to Councillor LeBlanc, Councillor Shaw and the Mayor regarding Councillor Dan LeBlanc’s...