City of Regina Information Requests Status Report 2022 to 2024
A report that provides a summary of statistical data from Information Requests received by Corporate Information Governance, City of Regina. This report includes Access to... -
Transit Records FOI #2022-047
This is an access to information request for: “Under The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I would like to obtain the database Regina... -
Street Addresses Lead Connections FOI # 2021-068
This is an access to information request for: street addresses for all lead water service connections up to July 12, 2021 -
City of Regina Information Requests Status Report 2021
A report that provides a summary of statistical data from Information Requests received by Corporate Information Governance, City of Regina. This report includes Access to... -
Mayor and Councillor Expenses 2011 to 2020
Mayor and Councillor Expenditure Reports and Expenses from 2011 to 2020. -
Billboards in City FOI # 2019-031
This is an access to information request for: "1) The total number of permanent billboards located on city owned property and the monthly revenue generated by those leases. I... -
City of Regina Information Requests Status Report 2017 to 2020
A report that provides a summary of statistical data from Information Requests received by Corporate Information Governance, City of Regina. This report includes Access to... -
Parking Enforcement Services FOI # 2017-039
This is an access to information request for: “A detailed breakdown of parking tickets issued in the City in 2015 and 2016, specifying the date and street location of where the... -
Unclaimed Cheques FOI # 2018-080
This access to information request is for: "We would like to get the copy of the record listing the unclaimed cheques (i.e. cheques issued and not cashed after a period of six... -
Taxi Plate Owners FOI # 2018-041
This is an access to information request for: “ Taxi Plate Owners – Separate reports for the names of people in the taxi cab industry who are taxi plate owners for the... -
Taxi Brokers FOI # 2017-080
This is an access to information request for summary of trip data for 2015 and 2016 for all City of Regina taxi brokers. -
Parking Survey Patterson Drive FOI # 2017-036
This is an access to information request for: "Pertaining to resident survey (To residents of Patterson Drive) regarding parking on Patterson Dr., would like to know: 1) the...