Selling Asphalt FOI # 2017-005
This is an access to information request for all analysis of potential for the City of Regina to sell asphalt subsequent to the 2010 McNair report, including but not limited to:... -
City Employee WCB Claims related to Paving Projects FOI # 2017-008
This is an Access to Information request for the number of Workers Compensation Claims submitted by City of Regina employees working on paving projects for 2014, 2015 and 2016. -
Paving Projects FOI # 2017-007
This is an Access to Information request for a list of paving projects completed by the City of Regina for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016. -
Failed Drug/Alcohol Tests Related to Paving Projects FOI # 2017-009
This is an Access to Information request for the number of drug/alcohol tests for 2014, 2015 and 2016 failed by City of Regina employees working on paving projects. -
Dates City Crews Paved Roads FOI # 2017-010
This is an Access to Information request for a list of dates City of Regina crews paved roads using asphalt but does not include asphalt patching.