This is an access to information request for: Time period: information for FOI’s that were completed between: July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. The vast majority of large public bodies use a records/data management system to track and manage FOI requests. We are seeking access to the following fields:
- Identifier: The request number or unique identifier for each request.
- Summary: The most detailed request text available in the tracking system, be that the full request text or a summary written by an FOI coordinator.
- Date received: The date each FOI was received.
- Date completed: The date each FOI was completed.
- Disposition: The disposition for each FOI (records granted in full, in part, denied, etc.).
- (Not mandatory) Department, division, body or entity: If your tracking system provides detail on which part of your organization is being targeted with a request, we would like this information. For example, some municipalities process FOIs for local transit and police services. Similarly, Ontario's Ministry of the Solicitor General handles requests for the Ontario Provincial Police, and various provincial health authorities handle requests on behalf of many hospitals. If this is the case for your organization and you can distinguish these entities with a field, that is helpful. If this information is not readily available, please disregard this part of our request. You do not need to contact us for permission to disregard this field. We are only seeking access to data from general records requests, not personal records requests. (For example, we do not want information on requests from people asking for their own police or health file.)