Bylaw No. 2008-27 The Cemeteries Bylaw, 2008
To regulate how the business, internment and maintenance services are provided for the Riverside Memorial Park and Regina Cemeteries -
Bylaw No. 2011-16 The Development Levy Bylaw
The purpose of this Bylaw is: (a) to impose and provide for the payment of development levies; (b) to authorize agreements to be entered into in respect of payment of... -
Bylaw No. 2008-66 The Development Application Fee Bylaw
To consolidate all planning related fees. -
Certified Bylaws #2013-48 & #9900 FOI #2024-131-I
This is a request for information for: “Certified copies of the following bylaws: • Bylaw #2013-48 Design Regina (including all schedules and Design Standards) • Bylaw # 9900... -
Emails Aquatic Facility FOI #2022-064
This is an access to information request for: Time Period May 1 2022 to June 30 2022. Please provide all email correspondence within the planning and land, real estate &... -
Grow Regina FOI #2023-001
This is an access to information request for: “I am working on a research project about Grow Regina. I am requesting copies of the following items: 1. Item Title: Zones -... -
Population, Housing, and Employment Forecast and Urban Land Needs Study
This study represents a critical technical background document for the City of Regina that sets out the long-term vision for growth, development phasing and infrastructure needs... -
Bylaw No. 9881 The Regina Clean Property Bylaw, 1997
To establish standards for maintaining clean property in Regina. This includes but is not limited to: littering, snow removal, structures on public property, signage and graffiti. -
Scarth Street Mall Development, 1970's
Documents and photos pertaining to the development of the Scarth Street Mall -
Bylaw No. 2023-31 The Heritage Maintenance And Major Grant Agreement Executio...
The City Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Regina is authorized to enter into and execute under seal the attached Agreements between the City of Regina and the owners... -
Bylaw No. 2023-16 Bylaw To Provide For The Closure And Sale Of The Lane Adjac...
All that portion of the right-of-way backing the properties along 1200 Block Albert Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue, as shown on the map attached as Appendix “A” and... -
Bylaw No. 10167 Smoking Review Survey 2017
Appendix B – Smoking Bylaw Consultation. Results from citizen online survey held February 24 to March 16, 2017. -
Global Transportation Hub Authority & City of Regina Consolidated Agreement
A consolidated version of the Municipal Water, Wastewater & Transportation Infrastructure & Services Agreement between the City of Regina and Global Transportation Hub... -
Bylaw No. 2020-24 The Education Property Tax Bylaw, 2020
This Bylaw authorizes the City to levy and collect taxes on all taxable assessments in the City for the benefit of the Board of Education of the Regina School Division No. 4 and... -
City Street or Park Names - Approved and Unused
Data containing names that have been approved for use as a street or park name by the Civic Naming Committee, but have not yet been used. This spreadsheet breaks down the... -
Bylaw No. 2021-64 Bylaw to Provide for the Closure of a Portion of Regent Street
WHEREAS pursuant to section 13 of The Cities Act the Council of the City of Regina has determined that a portion of Regent Street is no longer needed for use by the travelling... -
Indoor Aquatic Facility - Community Research - Fall 2021
This data set represents the raw data from the Coded Household Survey and Open Public Survey to gather input into the feasibility for a new Indoor Aquatic Facility. -
221 Winnipeg St. N. FOI # 2019-019 Part 2
This is part 2 of an access to information request received by the City for the following: Time period: January 1, 2019 to March 26, 2019 Re: 221 Winnipeg Street... -
Bylaw No. 2020-4 The Housing Incentive Program Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2020
The purpose of this Bylaw is to provide a Housing Incentive Tax Exemption to the owners of properties that qualify under the City of Regina’s Housing Incentives Policy. -
Bylaw No. 2019-70 Properties Exempt From Taxation Result of 2013 Boundary Alt...
The purpose of this Bylaw is to provide tax mitigation for two additional properties as a result of the 2013 Municipal Boundary Alteration.