The purpose of this Bylaw is to:
(a) set out the general processes and procedures to be used in an election conducted in the City of Regina under The Local Government Election Act, 2015;
(b) set out the nomination period, requirements relating to the listing of occupation on the nomination paper and ballots, the order of candidate’s names on ballots, requirements and return of deposits, the appointment of the returning officer, how tie votes are resolved, and rules and processes around the voter registry, the voters list and voter registrations;
(c) establish a mail-in ballot voting system for the purposes of receiving ballots in a City of Regina election; and
(d) provide for the use, at elections, of voting machines or other devices used in an automated vote counting system, to authorize the form of the ballot and to set out the procedures for voting and counting votes, pursuant to section 90
The Local Government Election Act, 2015.