Arena Survey FOI #2023-032
This is an access to information request for: “Time Period: March 1, 2023 to March 10, 2023 Provide copies of all emails, memorandums and briefing notes between Forum Research... -
Bylaw No. 2004-27 The Parks and Open Space Bylaw
To regulate the use of parks and open space within Regina. -
Traffic Study Westerra Community FOI #2022-101
This is an access to information request for: “Time period: 2010 to present (October 17, 2022) I request access to any traffic study or report done for the Westerra Community... -
State of the Urban Forest 2022
This is the 2022-year end summary report of Forestry and Integrated Pest management operations as it relates to the urban forest. It includes high level description of urban... -
Bylaw No. 10167 Smoking Review Survey 2017
Appendix B – Smoking Bylaw Consultation. Results from citizen online survey held February 24 to March 16, 2017. -
Bylaw No. 2008-66 The Development Application Fee Bylaw
To consolidate all planning related fees. -
Bylaw No. 2003-80 The Regina Downtown Business Improvement District Bylaw
To continue the Regina Downtown Business Improvement District under The Cities Act and to provide for changes to the Board and boundaries of the Business Improvement District. -
Minutes Aquatic Facility FOI # 2022-062
This is an access to information request for: “Time Period: Jan. 28, 2022. Provide the meeting minutes of the January 28, 2022 meeting between the City of Regina's Indoor... -
Golf Courses Operating Agreement March 2022
City of Regina Golf Courses Operating Agreement with Western Golf Management Ltd Executed March 31, 2022 -
City Street or Park Names - Approved and Unused
Data containing names that have been approved for use as a street or park name by the Civic Naming Committee, but have not yet been used. This spreadsheet breaks down the... -
State of the Urban Forest 2021
This is the 2021 summary report of Forestry and Pest Control operations as it relates to the urban forest. It includes high level description of urban forest value &... -
Indoor Aquatic Facility - Community Research - Fall 2021
This data set represents the raw data from the Coded Household Survey and Open Public Survey to gather input into the feasibility for a new Indoor Aquatic Facility. -
Hillsdale Neighbourhood Plan - Initial Survey Spring 2021
This dataset represents the raw data from the City of Regina's BeHeard Survey to gather input for the Hillsdale Neighbourhood Plan in Spring 2021. -
Community & Concept Plans FOI # 2021-065
This is an access to information request for: “From January 1, 2020 to July 7, 2021 All communications, both received from “Forester Harvard Development Corp.”, or “Harvard... -
Varsity Park Survey Results
This data set contains the results of an on-line survey of residents regarding potential upgrades to the current recreation facilities in Varsity Park -
Emergency Services Locations
This dataset contain the location of the major emergency services with in the City of Regina. -
State of the Urban Forest 2020
This is the 2020 summary report of Forestry and Pest Control operations as it relates to the urban forest. It includes high level description of urban forest value &... -
State of the Urban Forest 2019
This is the 2019 summary report of forestry and pest control operations as it relates to the urban forest. It includes high level description of urban forest value &... -
Bylaw No. 2011-37 The Emergency Measures Bylaw, 2011
To establish a local emergency measures organization, appoint a local emergency measures coordinator and establish a local emergency planning committee as required by The... -
Bylaw No. 2020-6 Albert Library Grant Agreement Execution Bylaw, 2020
To authorize the execution of a Grant Agreement between the City of Regina and the Buddhist Centre of Regina Inc. located at 1401 Robinson Street, Regina, SK.