City of Regina Information Requests Status Report 2022 to 2024
A report that provides a summary of statistical data from Information Requests received by Corporate Information Governance, City of Regina. This report includes Access to... -
Palestinian Flag FOI #2024-163
This is an access to information request for: “Time Period: November 11 to November 18, 2024 Provide emails and memos to and from Sandra Masters, Lauren Neumann Dawn Kobayashi,... -
Tracking Access to Information Requests FOI #2024-159
This is an access to information request for: Time period: information for FOI’s that were completed between: July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. The vast majority of large public... -
Certified Bylaws #2013-48 & #9900 FOI #2024-131-I
This is a request for information for: “Certified copies of the following bylaws: • Bylaw #2013-48 Design Regina (including all schedules and Design Standards) • Bylaw # 9900... -
Transit Records FOI #2022-047
This is an access to information request for: “Under The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I would like to obtain the database Regina... -
Golf Course Green Fees FOI #2022-039
This is an access to information request received by the City of Regina for the following: “Time period – 2021 Golf course green fee revenues (2021) from City owned Golf... -
City Manager Correspondence FOI #2022-014
This is an access to information request received by the City of Regina for the following records: “Time Period: January 24 to February 9, 2022 The scope of this request is... -
John A. MacDonald Statue FOI #2021-055
This is an access to information request for: “Time period: March 31, 2021 to April 20, 2021 All documents and communications including but not exclusive to emails, reports, and... -
Policies Guidelines FOI #2022-006-I
This is a request for the following information: “There are records I still require that are not published on the Open Data website. Below is list of these records. Please... -
Fire Annual Statistical Reports FOI #2021-042-I
This is an informal request for information for the following: Request for annual reports (if published) or annual statistical summaries for calendar years 2013, 2014, 2015,... -
Emails Aquatic Facility FOI #2022-064
This is an access to information request for: Time Period May 1 2022 to June 30 2022. Please provide all email correspondence within the planning and land, real estate &... -
Road Conditions Policies & Procedures Request #2018-066-I
This is a request for information for: “City of Regina Policies, Guidelines, Codes, Standards, Laws, Practices or any Process the City follows or is obligated to follow... -
Homelessness & Indigenous Culture FOI #2022-066
This is an access to information request for: “Time Period June 15, 2022 to July 4, 2022. Please provide all correspondence received by members of Regina city council,... -
Regina 151 FOI #2019-045
This is an access to information request for: “Time Period – Between January 1, 2019 and July 24, 2019 Any correspondence between the City of Regina and the owner or parties... -
I Love Regina Sign FOI #2022-073
This is an access to information request for: “Time Period March 1 2022 to July 1 2022. Provide all internal emails, memos and briefing notes about the removal of the “I Love... -
City Ridership Data FOI #2020-020
This is an access to information request for: “Time periods: May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018. May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019. And May 1, 2019 to February 24, 2020. The total... -
Brandt FOI #2023-049
This is an access to information request for: “Time Period January 1, 2021 to June 1, 2022 Please provide all purchase orders, invoices, and/or receipts showing amounts paid to... -
Dog Bites FOI #2017-002
Number of registered dogs and dog bites from 2011 to 2016 inclusive. -
Experience Regina FOI #2023-050
This is an access to information request for: “Time period – January 1, 2021 to March 15, 2022 Please provide all purchase orders, invoices, and/or receipts showing amounts paid... -
Tourism Regina FOI #2023-040
This is an access to information request for: “I am requesting all written communications, including but not exclusively emails, news releases, and strategic plans between the...